Saturday, September 3, 2011


So I know that this deployment is going to be really hard on all of us. For James it is the first time that he has been away from Zoe for more then a week. It is already taking a toll on both of them. Zoe always seems to get sick the first night that he is gone. Cory and daddy have had their talk about the deployment, Cory was ok but you could tell he wanted to cry, once James told him it was ok to cry and let his feelings out, he broke down and started crying. This deployment is hard on James and myself also for the fact that the last deployment, Cory and I were still back home and we were used to not being able to see James, we only got to see him a weekend a month. It is also hard on us because we are just getting our marriage back and then he has to leave. I don't know if we would have made it back in VA but since moving to CA things have changed between us. Our marriage is better then it has been for years if not better then when we first got married almost 5 years ago. This one is also hard for all of us because this will be Zoe's first birthday, December 22, 2007, without daddy, our first anniversary, December 22, 2006, apart, our first Christmas and all of the other holidays. I used to wonder what it would be like for us if James had a different job, to know that he would always be around. I don't anymore because I know that the sacrifices that we make as a family is for a better cause. I am proud to say that I married a Marine, that he fights for a country that I love very much. Our children know that when daddy leaves he has to help other people. Does it get lonely? Yes we missed him everyday that he is gone, but we know that when he returns it means that our family is whole again. The kids drive me crazy sometimes and it is hard doing it alone, hard not have another parent there to bounce ideas off of, but we do it because we love this country and we want our children to have proud in America where so many people have lost it. I am so proud of him for all he does, for all he has done for me and our children. I love you with all my heart James.

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